Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Your Five!

Monday Jack turned 5, I did cry just a little bit.
Then I sucked it up and got over it.
I love birthday's, I blow up loads of balloons and let the kids go nuts. The boys are big fans of balloons.
Because Jack is on the top bunk and it has rails all around it, I put all Jack's balloons on his bed thinking that would wake him up, he just got annoyed with me and threw them all on the floor. I'm so mean, I kept putting them all back on his bed until he got up, James helped me by putting on the light. Hehehehe.

Once James and I finally got him up he got to open his gifts. Can you tell he's still half asleep? I love the crazy bed hair.

He was very happy with his scooter. Even if he had found it under my bed weeks ago! He's been showing me how to do 'tricks'

Check out all that duplo and blocks, I obviously want to make myself more stressed.

Now that Charlie is mobile he wanted in on the act as well, he loves playing with the big kids, and they are quite happy for him to join in and will often give him toys to play with. Jack says to James 'thats good sharing James' cutie pies. He also got a Nintendo DS just before we went away, it stopped him asking me what every single road sign said all the way to Longreach and back. A present for mum and Jack.

All Jack really wanted to do was have McDonalds for lunch and ride his scooter, so easily pleased at 5. So we drove the 70kms to Emerald and the 70kms back just for Donalds and a trip to the botanical gardens so Jack could ride his scooter on the paths, he loved it.

My darling James, tired after a big day was quite happy with sitting with mum and watching Jack ride his scooter. He can be so sweet sometimes, I wish the sweetness would stick around.

All in all a good day.

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