Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Finally the man has done it!

In September Michael bought a boat, a big shiny toy to take up his time on his days at home, and unfortunately take up space on my front lawn. 
The first day he had it he took the boys out and these were the photos he sent me.

Charlie looking so impressed with being on the boat.

Don't be fooled by the size of the fish, James is a small 4 year old, that fish had to go back in the water. 

So here we are in December and even though Michael has been fishing every chance he gets for the last three months he has brought home a total of......... zero fish.
 Yep $11,000 worth of boat and nothing to show for it, except a very good tan and a bad mood. 

Well yesterday all that changed. He caught a fish, it's not huge but it's a fish and by golly we are going to have it for dinner tonight even if I am going to get something else to go with it, it's not enough for 5 people. 

Hopefully this has broken his bad luck cycle and now he'll now be a first class fisherman, bringing me home more fish than we can possibly eat or freeze! It might be a Christmas miracle! 
Or I might just be going to the fish market for a little bit longer. 


  1. That's a nice looking fish!

  2. LOL Hubz has had his boat for over a year and been out on it no more then 4-5 times!! Hope it fed the tribe :P

  3. Whoo hoo, nice fish!!! I hope dinner was fabulous!

  4. he just need to find some of those local fellas to tell him where to fish. Here;s to many more fish.

    He should drag Luigi out with him.

  5. He'd love to take Luig with him, any excuse to go on the boat really : )


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