Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Your all Stars!

Well it's Tuesday afternoon and guess what, I didn't kill the property manager. 
Thank you to everyone who commented and showed their support. It really did lift my spirits. So much that Michael let me stay home this morning when the lady came and I was even polite to her. Yes polite. I think I may have even smiled. Ha! 
So while the house is still clean and tidy here are a few pictures of it while we still live here. 


  1. You did so well. I may or may not have wanted to murder the RE agent on your behalf (and I used to be a property manager!!).

    At least that's done for another six months, right?

  2. Another 3 months Amy! Don't remind me! But yes thank heavens its over and done with and I can move on to blogging about how much other things annoy me : )

  3. Another 3 months Amy! Don't remind me! But yes thank heavens its over and done with and I can move on to blogging about how much other things annoy me : )


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