A day in the life of..well us. It would be nice in 10 or 20 years to be able to find my little blog and tell the boys (or their boys ?!) what it was like when they were tiny cherubs.
So this is a typical day:
5.45-6 am Michael disappears off to work well before I'm awake, although he sometimes see's James.
6.30am My alarm grr... roll over to find a wide awake little boy staring at me. Oh James when will you ever sleep in your own bed past 5am?
6.45am Jack climbs in for a cuddle we all lay in bed discussing the day, and what we'll do.
6.55am Get my butt in the shower. Get the boys out of my bed and out to the lounge room
7.15am Get the boys breakfast and make coffee for me, stick iPod on kids songs for a quick sing and dance while they eat and I make Jack's lunch for school. Big question for today: peanut butter or vegemite and cheese?
7.30am Hear Charlie talking in his cot sneak in for cuddles before the big boys realise he's awake and want him to themselves.
7.40am Harass children to eat quicker or we will be late for school. Get myself dressed out of clean washing basket.
7.45am Share bowl of just right with Charlie, he likes it more than me, no surprise for the tank.
7.55am Fight with Jack about getting dressed while changing Charlies nappy and trying to dress him.
8.05am Get big boys dressed and clean teeth, make sure Jack doesn't have crazy bed hair.
8.15am Get lunch, power snack, drink bottle and homework in Jack's bag.
8.20am Find shoes for Jack and James and me, and socks for Charlie that he hasn't chewed on this morning.
8.25am Get everyone in the car and get to school.
8.30-8.50am Discover Charlie has ripped socks off in the 3 minutes it takes to get to school and chewed them, oh well sockless today. Chat with mums and keep an eye on James make sure Jacks doing the right thing and has unpacked his school bag.
8.55am Get little boys in the car and get home before Charlie falls asleep.
9.15am Get Charlie a bottle have quick cuddle and put him down for his nap. Put on cars for James to watch and morning tea and a 'gink' .
10am Unstack dishwasher, re stack dishwasher, stick on load of clothes, pretend to be interested in James telling me whats happening on cars (there has been someone in the house obsessed with it for the last 3 years, I know the movie so well it scares me) clean toilet (daily job with so much boy wee everywhere), check emails, facie, birth club, blog, eBay (what too much?)
10.45am Get Charlie up, change his nappy. Take boys outside for a play.
11.30-12. Fight with James about no more morning tea because its almost lunch, while hanging out washing.
Midday. Make us all lunch (french toast and yogurt) laugh at Charlie trying to feed me his lunch, try to get Charlie to say Dad and wave bye bye. No luck so far.
1pm. Make Charlie a bottle and change his nappy. Try to convince James if he has a nap now he will be more energised to play with Jack after school.
1.05pm Bring in first load of washing and fold whilst watching some dodgy TV.
1.30pm Check on James tell him to get back in bed and close his eyes.
1.45pm Get something out for dinner and unstack dishwasher. Mop floors while everyone is asleep.
2.40pm Get boys up and in the car and get to school before pick up time.
3pm Try to convince Jack he doesn't have to have every single kid over for a play today.
3.15pm Afternoon tea time, try to talk to Jack about school before he and James escape outside to play. Play with Charlie and get second load of washing in and get dinner ready.
4.45pm Try to drag big boys inside.
5.15pm Tell boys they are dead meat if they don't get their butts inside, fight with them to get in the bath while bathing Charlie.
5.30pm Fight with them to get out of the bath. Get three boys dry and dressed. Watch 5 minutes of Jacks show deal or no deal.
6pm Get dinner on the table before Charlie completely melts down.
6-6.30pm Fight with James about veggies, make ahh face at Charlie and listen to Jack telling me about school. Oh and eat my own dinner.
6.30pm Try to listen to the news while the boys are playing and Charlie is dancing and singing in front of the TV
7pm Michael finally gets home. After his shower sit and watch him eat and talk about our day with Charlie on my lap, first time either of us have seen him all day, and its a competition who gets first cuddles, of course the boys win.
7.30pm Fight with boys about quiet time and not running jumping yelling fighting. Get Charlie his bed time bottle and get his sleeping bag on. Cuddles for Daddy before bed.
8pm Convince Jack that top gear is not on everyday. Make sure Jack's homework is done. Get Michael to clean the big boys teeth, read them a story and put them to bed while I clean the kitchen.
8.30pm Finish folding washing, watch crap TV with Michael and talk rubbish to each other before we both pass out.
Now I've re written this a few times and it still sounds horrendous! I know I'm busy but it looks much worse in print than it does while I'm doing it!
So whats a day in the life of you like?? Have a go, you might find your day is much different than you expected!